Unable to Place Stop Loss Order
Hello @Reddy we will followed up with our team and update you.
Hello @admin
Just wanted to follow up on this. Appreciate your quick response. -
Hi @Reddy we will update you on this.
No, I am still unable to place the stop loss orders. Waiting for a reply from @admin
I am also unable place a SL-M order due to an error in the API.
Does that work for you? -
bro please share sample code... which fires orders based on condition.
i'm new to python -
Hello @admin
My application is in the last stage of complete auto trading. Any updates would be much appreciated !!
Please feel free to contact me at 8919373818. Thanks in Advance.
Sai Teja Reddy - topic:timeago_earlier,10 days
@Reddy said in Unable to Place Stop Loss Order:
order_place <- place_order(object = session_data,
variety= "STOPLOSS",
tradingsymbol= "ITC-EQ",
exchange= "NSE",
quantity= 323,
transactiontype= "BUY",
ordertype = "STOPLOSS_LIMIT",
producttype= "INTRADAY",
price= "210",
triggerprice = "209",
symboltoken= "1660",
duration= "DAY"
Hi @Reddy post your error snip here.