Unable to login due to invalid TOTP error

  • Hi team,

    I am getting an error AB1050 invalid TOTP. I am Just pasting the error message
    Response: {'status': False, 'message': 'Invalid totp', 'errorcode': 'AB1050', 'data': None}

    and my code was

    from SmartApi import SmartConnect
    import pyotp
    from logzero import logger
    import base64

    api_key =apikey
    username = code
    pwd = pin
    smartApi = SmartConnect(api_key)
    token = tfa
    totp = pyotp.TOTP(token).now()

    except Exception as e:
    logger.error("Invalid Token: The provided token is not valid.")
    raise e

    using : smartapi-python
    Version: 1.4.8

    and the TOTP shown in the Authenticator app and the login were different.
    Please check and revert a resolution for the same.