is there any way to find only nfo stock data?
i want to find nfo stocks information? is there any easy way to find or i have to find it from this huge file @admin
@rajanprabu Thanks
yes you have to. Its not only angel.. its the industry norm..
@rajanprabu ok. one off topic question do i need to generate my feed token everyday?
You can just filter for exchange NFO..
when I generate my tokens everyday morning I read the json file and store it.. and I use it everyday.. Once you read in pandas or any other library filtering is not difficult.
@admin sorry i am little confuse here.
i have this stock information {token: 64814, symbol: RELIANCE29APR21FUT, name: RELIANCE, expiry: 29APR2021, strike: -1.000000, lotsize: 250, instrumenttype: FUTSTK, exch_seg: NFO, tick_size: 5.000000}.
In order to get new future stock information of reliance ex.25JUN2021 i have to find it from json file. Am I correct? @admin -
Hi @91priyansh no its a one time process.
Dear @91priyansh its a one time process where you convert Jason into csv and filter token based on your requirement.There is no alternative way yet.