Something Went Wrong, Please Try After Sometime
getting the error on websocket streaming and totp login
Something Went Wrong, Please Try After Sometime
{'message': 'Something Went Wrong, Please Try After Sometime', 'errorcode': 'AB1004', 'status': False, 'data': None} -
@Moderator_3 the websoket connection is established and ticks are recieved for the subscribed tokens but certain tokens always return 0 as ltp which is not right. What can be the issue? most tokens work correctly and ltp is fetched as usual.
- topic:timeago_earlier,9 days
Hi @Moderator_3 ,
API for gainersLosers was working till 11:20 today and stopped after it.
[E 240912 11:59:03 smartConnect:243] Error occurred while making a POST request to Error: Something Went Wrong, Please Try After Sometime. URL:, Headers: {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'X-ClientLocalIP': '', 'X-ClientPublicIP': ' ', 'X-MACAddress': '', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-PrivateKey': '', 'X-UserType': 'USER', 'X-SourceID': 'WEB'}, Request: {'datatype': 'PercOIGainers', 'expirytype': 'NEAR'}, Response: {'message': 'Something Went Wrong, Please Try After Sometime', 'errorcode': 'AB1004', 'status': False, 'data': None}
so far i have tried
- upgraded to smartapi-python 1.4.9
- re-created access token.
Can you please check and fix.
My username: D58222660 - topic:timeago_earlier,14 days
Refer for sample working code for websocket streaming.
Kindly share the request format you are using for totp login to analyze further.
SmartAPI Team -
@sunny123456 I am getting the same error since 3 days now.