How to test api ? with demo account or live account ?
Hi , i have created a smartapi loing account. got privateAPIKey.
Now using c# httpclient for connection.
and sending R12345 as login id, and 123456 as password.
but response is "". response code is 400.Should i use actual live login id for api testing purpose, or get a deom login is ?
@kunaljvyas I don't think so there is any code in C#. You can ask in feed if anyone is coding in C#. I'm using Python SDK.
@rjbanna ok.thanks. is there any sample code link for c# (like there is code for python and java in documents)
@kunaljvyas If you are old user of Angel, then you need to have your account migrated to the new system or else you can use it straightaway. You can check with the @admin about your account status.
@rjbanna do i need to activate my account for api testing , or by default my account will be activated for api ?
@kunaljvyas You need to use the same credentials that you are using to login to Angel Broking platform. There is no demo login.