Option Greeks
Option Greeks data is available after market close?
if not mention in doc data not available after market close -
Hello @KISY1007
Can you please share the headers you are passing since we are getting the data for the same request
SmartAPI Team -
Facing issue to get the greeks response.
Url: https://apiconnect.angelbroking.com/rest/secure/angelbroking/marketData/v1/optionGreek
Input: {"name": "NIFTY", "expirydate": "27JUN2024"}
Response: {'status': False, 'message': 'No Data Available', 'errorcode': 'AB9019', 'data': None}Can you please confirm above input params are correct and why the response returning as No Data?
Does this functionality works only during the market time? -
@Mnagesh Do you know how can we calculate option greeks at our side? I need to for past expiry for back testing purpose
@hardip option Greeks are computed live
even if a viable it doesn't have any meaning
it may be only the last greek values