Please give an example for buy, stoploss and sell order in intraday trading
@admin Hello
Can you please give me an example code to place buy order, stop loss and sell order without using ROBO order type.Thanks
@Rakhi Cover Order, also u need to give "transactiontype": "BUY", then only it will buy
when you mention "280" in front of "stoploss" property, does that mean, when we place Buy order, it will automarically create a Stoploss order for that Buy order ?
is this the "Bracket Order" / "Cover Order" , please clarify ?
orderparams = {
"variety": "STOPLOSS",
"tradingsymbol": "SBIN-EQ",
"symboltoken": "3045",
"transactiontype": "BUY",
"exchange": "NSE",
"ordertype": "STOPLOSS_LIMIT",
"producttype": "INTRADAY",
"duration": "DAY",
"price": "302.50",
"squareoff": "0",
"stoploss": "280",
"quantity": "1"