Post migration issues
Lets say If I migrate my 100 clients to api platform. They will be de-mapped from my ODIN terminal? If yes how will I manually place any orders for them? Every trade wont be an algo trade. It will be a mix of both. This is very important parameter for me as a sub-broker to decide if I want to go for an API migration for clients
My client codeG49472, pls migrate to new trading system
Please send an email to your relationship manager / zonal manager @dipeshbodas
@dipeshbodas said in Post migration issues:
All my clients will be there on my ODIN terminals for manual order placements.
ODIN platfrom is being replaced by TradeNXT, through which you can manage your clients.
If I migrate my SB code to API platform then- All my clients are migrated on api platform automatically.
- All my clients will be there on my ODIN terminals for manual order placements.
Is this understanding correct?
Hi @dipeshbodas , you can get your sub-broker tag migrated which will enable you to do both.
Please clarify my doubt