API is timing out
Hi Team,
I am getting time out when I am trying to reach the API Endpoints.[My API Key]
Even the other login page is not reachable
My Email:
AB ID: REHR1010@bhaveshjain @Bhaveshsjain @saf-admin-prod
@dheepi @Karthika27 Your account is migrated. Please check.
@dheepi @Karthika27 Your migration request is in process. We will share an update post completion.
@bhaveshjain , Any update ??
@bhaveshjain , please go ahead. Hope this will also include websocket access.
@bhaveshjain Yes please migrate our user to access this.
@bhaveshjain @Bhaveshsjain @saf-admin-prod
I am not sure why this thread is not picked by the support. I am ending up troubleshooting myself. Looks like my account needs to be migrated. could you assist please. Below is error msg from the end-point -
I can reach the api end point
But unable to login using my Angel user ID: REHR1010 -
@dheepi @bhaveshjain @Bhaveshsjain
I am getting the same error message.
Can anyone help with this quickly?Thank you