Historical candle data last 2 candles provides wrong close data in daily and 5 min time frame

  • Re: API down

    Historical candle data for last 2 candles provides wrong close data in daily and 5 min time frame.

    I have used and checked this for daily data after market closing on stock data.
    and also in real time when the trading is on for 5 minute candles data and found that close value is not accurate to the actual closing value there are few points difference.

    right now I cannot show you but I have checked it few times for historical ohlc data and this problem is happening only for last two candles not more than that . specially the close is problematic

    Please check it

  • @admin I'm having the same problem in NFO candle, In my case the last candle data was inconsistent (sometimes correct and sometimes not) in 5 min time frame.

    The current time is 11:55 and I'm trying to get candle for 11:50 (5 min)
    The system is taking some x time to generate candle data after the 11:50 candle is closed

    Could you please advice the appropriate time interval, So that I can fetch the candle after x time

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