Running Code for Options/Stocks- open/high/low/close/ltp
Hi All,
Just shairng a running code to get Options and Stocks live prices. As i have already invested time to build this, you may leverage on this and get a head start :-)
Step 1: Get universe of tickers (stock/options) using this code:
import pandas as pd import requests import numpy as np # Get Nifty 50 Tickers nifty50df = pd.read_excel (r'C:\Users\sukhw\OneDrive\Documents\Options\Staticdata.xlsx', sheet_name= 'IndexMembers') # -----------------------------------Get the list of Options tickers as per expiry date urlk = "" resp = requests.get(urlk) data1 = resp.json() tickerlist = pd.json_normalize(data1,errors='ignore') # select Option Tickers from the list optiontickerlist = tickerlist[(tickerlist['exch_seg'] == 'NFO') & (tickerlist['instrumenttype'] == 'OPTSTK')] # select Stock Tickers from the list stocktickerlist = tickerlist[(tickerlist['exch_seg'] == 'NSE') & (tickerlist['symbol'].str.contains('-EQ', regex = True) == True)] stocktickerlist['expiry'] = np.where(stocktickerlist.index%2==0, 'stock', 'stock') #append the above tables alltickers = pd.concat([optiontickerlist,stocktickerlist], sort =False).reset_index() # Assign columns to Dataframe alltickers = alltickers[['symbol', 'token','name','expiry','strike','lotsize','instrumenttype','exch_seg','tick_size']] # Join the tables tickerAll = pd.merge(alltickers, nifty50df, left_on=['name'], right_on=['Symbol'], how='inner') # Drop the columns tickerAll = tickerAll.drop(['Symbol'], axis = 1) # Export the data tickerAll.to_excel (r'C:\Users\sukhw\OneDrive\Documents\Options\OptionTickers.xlsx', index = None, header=True)
Step 2: Now get Prices for select tickers you want to monitor on daily basis:
import pandas as pd import datetime as dt from smartapi import SmartConnect from datetime import date, timedelta # Now get Prices for select Tickers as per your requirement def getprices(): vdate = ( - dt.timedelta(days=0)).strftime("%d%m%Y") # Get Tickers (either Stock or Options) you want to focus on for your daily monitoring tickerdf = pd.read_excel (r'C:\Users\sukhw\OneDrive\Documents\Options\SpecificTickers.xlsx', sheet_name= 'Sheet1') # Setting the access to get Open, high, Low, Close, LTP of options smartApi =SmartConnect(api_key="YourKey") login = smartApi.generateSession('YourClientID', 'YourPassword') # Angel broking refreshToken = login['data']['refreshToken'] feedToken = smartApi.getfeedToken() smartApi.getProfile(refreshToken) smartApi.generateToken(refreshToken) prices_df = pd.DataFrame() # ------------------------------------ get Open, high, Low, Close, LTP of the Option Tikcers for index,row in tickerdf.iterrows(): exchange = row['exch_seg'] tradingsymbol = row['Ticker'] symboltoken = int(row['Token']) data = smartApi.ltpData(exchange, tradingsymbol, symboltoken) prices = pd.json_normalize(data['data'],errors='ignore') prices['BussDate'] = vdate prices_df = prices_df.append(prices).reset_index(drop=True) # Export the data prices_df.to_excel (r'C:\Users\sukhw\OneDrive\Documents\Options\OptionPrices.xlsx', index = None, header=True) prices_df.to_excel (r'C:\Users\sukhw\OneDrive\Documents\Options\OptionPrices\OptionPrices{}.xlsx'.format(vdate), index = None, header=True)
Any questions, feel free
Sukhwant -
Dear Sukhwant,
Could you send me the statistics.xlsx file for the tokens or let me know the source from where you have downloaded it. Because it is little difficult for me to identify token from the .json link that is provided by the smartapi.Thank you for the code.
Anvesh Raja