ltpData API is failing after sometime

  • Hai
    i. In ltpData I am receiving this error response code-> AB2001 Internal Error, Please try after sometime, I retried it after some still I am getting the error. As per the doc the limit for this is 10requests/sec I am sending 1req/10 sec Still facing the issue. Can we rely on this ?
    ii. Also can we rely on placeOrder API,
    Lets say we get None as order id then are we sure that the order is not placed? So that we can add a retry mechanism What's the best way to handle this. Please help
    Unlike others I am planning to automate BANKNIFTY short strangle auto adjustments
    So Point (i) is very important , if I keep on getting error response after some I cannot rely on your service.
    I also tried to create a new session if I am getting the error from LTP to retry with new session but sometimes creating a new session is also failing
    I am giving gaps of 1sec. So that I do not exceed the rate. Please help especially i. is critical.
    What should be the ideal gap for creating a new session even though API says 1 req / sec.

  • Hai @AlgoTrader said in ltpData API is failing after sometime:

    i. In ltpData I am receiving this error response code-> AB2001 Internal Error, Please try after sometime, I retried it after some still I am getting the error. As per the doc the limit for this is 10requests/sec I am sending 1req/10 sec Still facing the issue. Can we rely on this ?
    ii. Also can we rely on placeOrder API,
    Lets say we get None as order id then are we sure that the order is not placed? So that we can add a retry mechanism What's the best way to handle this. Please help
    Unlike others I am planning to automate BANKNIFTY short strangle auto adjustments
    So Point (i) is very important , if I keep on getting error response after some I cannot rely on your service.
    I also tried to create a new session if I am getting the error from LTP to retry with new session but sometimes creating a new session is also failing
    I am giving gaps of 1sec. So that I do not exceed the rate. Please help especially i. is critical.
    What should be the ideal gap for creating a new session even though API says 1 req / sec.

    You can rely on this as our team is working on resolving this ltp issue it is an intermediate issue which you faced also till the time you are not breaching the limits you wont get the exceed rate limit error.