Placing order using tokens

  • Dear admin,

    Once we generate a session, how do we place order using just tokens?

    Right now I am doing this:

    client_smartApi = SmartConnect(api_key = client_api_key)
    login = client_smartApi.generateSession("Client_id","Client_password")
    print("OrderId :"+str(orderId))
    #obtain the required tokens
    access_token = client_smartApi.access_token
    refreshToken = login['data']['refreshToken']
    jwtToken = login['data']['jwtToken']

    The order is successfully placed here.
    As you can see, while placing the order I generateSession for the client using the client ID and the client password.

    However, how do we generate a session initially and then use the tokens to place the orders at a later point in time?

    I tried doing this -

    client_smartApi = SmartConnect(api_key = clien_api_key)
    client_smartApi.setAccessToken(access_token )
    client_smartApi.setRefreshToken(refreshToken )

    This throws an error as follows:

    ..........\lib\site-packages\smartapi\ in placeOrder(self, orderparams)
        288                 del(params[k])
    --> 290         orderResponse= self._postRequest("", params)['data']['orderid']
        292         return orderResponse
    TypeError: string indices must be integers

    Could you please guide me with this?

    Thank you

  • Any updates on this?

  • @admin
    My personal client ID is B133022

  • HI @Bharath-Raj-M Post your client id here.

  • @admin
    I could not find any documentation regarding this.

    Could you please give a step by step instruction on how it is supposed to be done?

  • HI @Bharath-Raj-M I you can use the pubhlisher API to do this.

  • @Bharath-Raj-M

    Dear @admin, it's been a while since I posted this, could you review and help us out ?
