Not able to place STOPLOSS_MARKET order type getting this error AB1020

  • Hi,

    I am not able to place a STOPLOSS_MARKET order type.

    orderParams = {
 "variety": "NORMAL",
 "tradingsymbol": bnf_instrument_master['YESBANK-EQ']['symbol'],
 "symboltoken": bnf_instrument_master['YESBANK-EQ']['token'],
 "transactiontype": "SELL",
 "exchange": "NSE",
 "ordertype": "STOPLOSS_MARKET",
 "producttype": "INTRADAY",
 "duration": "DAY",
 "price": sl,
 "squareoff": "0",
 "stoploss": "0",
 "quantity": '1'

    While placing the trade getting this error-
    b'{"message":"Invalid Order Type","errorcode":"AB1020","status":false,"data":null}'

    even this error code is not described on the doc- AB1020

    Could someone let me know what could be the cause?
