your User Id Or Password is invalid
angelbroking get_access_token failed:AB1007 : your User Id Or Password is invalid
Hi@NIL13023 said in your User Id Or Password is invalid:
IN MCX continusly show Order Status is rejected, going to Error-Execution
Quantity is not a multiple of lot sizeTradetron has to refer to our instrument dump file at the time of order placement.
@admin IN MCX continusly show Order Status is rejected, going to Error-Execution
Quantity is not a multiple of lot size -
This post is deleted! -
HI @NIL13023 Please revert back on same mail to get the status of migration.
@admin sir ji mene 3 day pehle smartapi@angelbroking pe mail kiya tha.....for migrate my id BBYH1001
HI @NIL13023 Have you migrated your account.?