web sockets working today ?
Hi @admin,
Is web sockets working today ?? we don't seems to get any candles..
HI @himanshu15y @James-Bond @rajanprabu our team is still working on it we will soon update the sdk once we are ready.
@himanshu15y still facing same issue
@admin is it fixed now?
HI @himanshu15y our team is working on this internally to fix this asap.
I am also not able to access websocket
def on_tick(ws, tick): print(ss.is_connected()) print("Ticks: {}".format(tick)) def on_connect(ws, response): print("connected",response) # ws.websocket_connection() # Websocket connection ws.send_request(token,task) print(ss.is_connected()) def on_close(ws, code, reason): print(str(reason), code) ws.stop() def on_error(ws, code, reason): print(str(reason),code) token = "nse_cm|5900" task ="mw" ss = WebSocket(feedToken, CLIENT_CODE) # Assign the callbacks. ss.on_ticks = on_tick ss.on_connect = on_connect ss.on_close = on_close ss.on_error = on_error
connected {"peer": "tcp4:<url>", "headers": {"server": "Apache-Coyote/1.1", "upgrade": "websocket", "connection": "upgrade", "sec-websocket-accept": "", "date": "Thu, 20 May 2021 08:45:54 GMT"}, "version": 18, "protocol": null, "extensions": []} True True Ticks: [{'ak': 'nk', 'msg': 'mw', 'task': 'mw'}]
HI @rajanprabu we will soon update the code for websocket which is tested today.
I had older SDK.. Now I have updated to new one and smithed to multiprocessing. It ran ok, but with HeartBeat Failed message in between.
(2021-05-18 14:44:42,193) - (Connection error: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (peer dropped the TCP connection without previous WebSocket closing handshake)) (2021-05-18 14:44:42,194) - (Connection closed: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (peer dropped the TCP connection without previous WebSocket closing handshake))
WebSocket not working. It's getting closed and won't reconnect automatically.
Hi @rajanprabu can you check it from your end we have tested it with 4 scripts working fine.