Allowed access rate for Historical API
Please let me know what is allowed access rate to fetch historical data. I am trying to fetch 15 min data for 50 NSE scripts. My plan is to get all 50 calls in less than 1 min but it seems API has some restrictions and I am getting below error.raise ex.DataException("Couldn't parse the JSON response received from the server: {content}".format(smartapi.smartExceptions.DataException: Couldn't parse the JSON response received from the server: b'Access denied because of exceeding access rate'
Hi @hemangjoshi37a Currently we have same access rate to fetch historical data.
@admin any update on access rate of historic data sir??
Dear @dipeshbodas we will let you know.
Thanks for the quick response!!
Any future plans of increasing access rate? -
Hi @dipeshbodas three hits per seconds is the rate limit to fetch historical data.