Master Instrument list 'exch_seg' keywords change without notification
Hi @admin ,
I noticed to day that the values for exch_seg in the master instrument json is changed without any notice.
The list from : values used to be: NSE, NFO. But they were changed to nse_cm and nse_fo respectively.
I understand we are in beta and change is inevitable, but when there is a structural change, which breaks our code, I would atleast expect a courtesy information on this. I do not know where to raise this point. but please consider a release notification facility.
Ashok. -
@admin Thanks for the confirmation.
Hi @Ashok yes
@admin Does it mean we are back to NFO/NSE ?
Hi @Ashok As we coordinated with our team it was due to technical issue from our side and no changes were made.
@PandaTrade is NFO now fix or not?
@PandaTrade I tested it out. it is still NFO in all other places.
@admin also have you changed anything in the payload section of the placeorder call.
i mean there it is still NFO right?
order_dict = {
"exchange" : "NFO",
"tradingsymbol" : Instrument,
"transactiontype": BUY_SELL,
"symboltoken" : token,
"quantity" : quantity,
"disclosedquantity" : quantity,
"ordertype" : "STOPLOSS_MARKET",
"duration" : "DAY",
"variety" : "STOPLOSS",
"triggerprice" : triggerprice,
"producttype" : "INTRADAY"
} -
Hi @PandaTrade This was really good suggestion we will definitely introduce this.
True. Even i faced the same issue. Please keep a bulletin or make a separate page in the documentations page called announcement.
Hi @Ashok we have noticed your point and will take into consideration.We regret for the inconvenience.