How many instrument type is there in instrument list
This is the url for script data :
inside that we will get whole list of symbol that available i had create one lambda function that insert,update and delete data based on the data so i want to create differnt collection for different exchanges and instrumenttype based on that i want to inserting script data so it make's my personal platform more effetive to get data and for different script.-
exchange segment : [ 'NSE', 'BSE','NFO', 'CDS', 'MCX', 'NCDEX','BFO', 'NCO'],
The above provided is list of diffent avialbale value in instrument type so based on that how can i insert particalur document into specific collection
please share detail about this scriptmaster so we can basically define our whole use case betterly there is instrument tab in api docs but it's out dated it's not showing all avialable option meaning for instrument type like here one instrumentype is ' ' what should we understand -