what parameter should I give for trailing stoploss jump price?

  • Can anyone tell me what paramter or key I need to sue for this?
    I've these parameter to place a ROBO order but, unable to apply trailing stoploss jump price

    payload = {
    "variety": "ROBO",
    "tradingsymbol": symbol['strike'],
    "symboltoken": symbol_token,
    "transactiontype": transaction_type,
    "exchange": EXCHANGE,
    "ordertype": "LIMIT",
    "producttype": "INTRADAY",
    "duration": "DAY",
    "trailingStopLoss":symbol['Initial Trailing SL'],
    "quantity": quantity

  • @admin why you asking for error?

    Tell him straight forward, ROBO order using API does not support trailing SL.

    Although parameter is there in API, its not working.

  • @basuvijay what is the error is it throwing?