Error Code: AG8001 after providing every inputs correctly

  • I am trying to access the LiveMarketData API, but I am not able to do so because everytime I made the request if give me error code: AG8001 in response,

    {data: "",
    errorCode: "AG8001"
    message: "Invalid Token"
    success: false

    My AuthToken is correct, api key is correct and pin is also correct.
    Client Id: B59199567

    Please look into the matter why I am getting invalid token while fetching live market data api.

    Request Format:
    let data = JSON.stringify({
    "mode": "LTP",
    "exchangeTokens": {
    "NSE": ["14366"]
    let config = {
    method: 'post',
    url: '',

        headers: {
            'Authorization': `${req.headers['authorization']}`,
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'X-UserType': 'USER',
            'X-SourceID': 'WEB',
            'X-ClientLocalIP': process.env.LOCALIP,
            'X-ClientPublicIP': process.env.PUBLICIP,
            'X-MACAddress': process.env.MACADDRESS,
            'X-PrivateKey': process.env.ANGLEONEAPIKEY
        data: data

  • Yes, I got a syntax error in my frontend which is now resolved. I am very Thankful for your time.

    Can you help me in WebSocket as I am able to connect with websocket and also getting the heartbeats but I am not able to subscribe any stock and not getting any response when I am sending the data through websocket. The data is this,

    "correlationID": "abcde12345",
    "action": 1,
    "params": {
    "mode": 1,
    "tokenList": [
    "exchangeType": 1,
    "tokens": [
    "exchangeType": 5,
    "tokens": [

    And I am getting a binary data only and nothing else from websocket.

    Can you help me how to use websocket!

  • @bharatsheoran if that's the case, there would be an issue with your code.

    Live market API is working fine, you can try using postman to check.


    You can take the help of someone from the forum for your code.

  • @admin I am not able to send my frontend code, I don't know the page is not responding whenever I add code to it

  • @admin I have added Bearer in frontend.

  • @bharatsheoran you need to add bearer token in the authorization