I can not get data by using api, please help me out. Below is my code
Re: [List of all Smartapi functions in Python](/topic/3625/list-of-all-smartapi-functions-in-pyth```
from SmartApi import SmartConnect #or from SmartApi.smartConnect import SmartConnect
import pyotp
from logzero import logger
import pandas as pdapi_key = 'X14DuTIU'
username = 'AAAE460930'
pwd = '2469'
smartApi = SmartConnect(api_key)token = '5545AXMLBA7O2H5P3Z3DDH35FU'
totp = pyotp.TOTP(token).now()correlation_id = "abcde"
data = smartApi.generateSession(username, pwd, totp)if data['status'] == False:
# login api call
# logger.info(f"You Credentials: {data}")
authToken = data['data']['jwtToken']
refreshToken = data['data']['refreshToken']
# fetch the feedtoken
feedToken = smartApi.getfeedToken()
# fetch User Profile
res = smartApi.getProfile(refreshToken)
"exchange": "NSE",
"symboltoken": "99926009",
"interval": "ONE_MINUTE",
"fromdate": "2024-07-11 09:00",
"todate": "2024-07-12 09:16"
df = pd.read_excel("BankNiftyData.xlsx")Convert the 'datetime' column to datetime objects
df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['datetime'], format='%d-%m-%Y %H:%M')
Create new columns for 'date' and 'time'
df['date'] = df['datetime'].dt.date
df['time'] = df['datetime'].dt.timeReorder columns (optional)
cols = ['date', 'time'] + [col for col in df.columns if col not in ['datetime', 'date', 'time']]
df = df[cols]Assuming the column with four numbers is the third column (index 2)
values = df.iloc[:, 2].str.split(expand=True)
Assign column names
values.columns = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close']
Concatenate with the original DataFrame
df = pd.concat([df.iloc[:, :2], values], axis=1)
Save the modified DataFrame to a new Excel file
df.to_excel("BankNiftyData.xlsx", index=False)
Dude post the error message
@AAAE460930 what is the exact problem that you are facing?