ROBO STOPLOSS is failing

  • Difference between limit price and trigger price is beyond permissible range

    when api called for ROBO order with following parameter, the stoploss is getting rejected with error "Difference between limit price and trigger price is beyond permissible range"

    the parameter while ROBO order

    12:11:02 INFO place_order 167 COLPAL-EQ 15141 - place_order_parameter: {
    "variety": "ROBO",
    "tradingsymbol": "COLPAL-EQ",
    "symboltoken": "15141",
    "transactiontype": "BUY",
    "exchange": "NSE",
    "ordertype": "LIMIT",
    "producttype": "INTRADAY",
    "duration": "DAY",
    "price": 3660.25,
    "squareoff": 11.0,
    "stoploss": 7.3,
    "quantity": 1,
    "triggerprice": 7.2,
    "trailingStopLoss": 11.0

    here is the rejection with below detail
    "variety": "ROBO",
    "ordertype": "STOPLOSS_LIMIT",
    "producttype": "BO",
    "duration": "DAY",
    "price": 3542.8,
    "triggerprice": 3652.4,
    "quantity": "1",
    "disclosedquantity": "0",
    "squareoff": 0.0,
    "stoploss": 0.0,
    "trailingstoploss": 0.0,
    "tradingsymbol": "COLPAL-EQ",
    "transactiontype": "SELL",
    "exchange": "NSE",
    "symboltoken": "15141",
    "ordertag": "",
    "instrumenttype": "",
    "strikeprice": -1.0,
    "optiontype": "",
    "expirydate": "",
    "lotsize": "1",
    "cancelsize": "0",
    "averageprice": 0.0,
    "filledshares": "0",
    "unfilledshares": "1",
    "orderid": "240903000628054",
    "text": "16448 : Difference between limit price and trigger price is beyond permissible range",
    "status": "rejected",
    "orderstatus": "rejected",
    "updatetime": "03-Sep-2024 12:11:18",
    "exchtime": "03-Sep-2024 12:11:02",
    "exchorderupdatetime": "",
    "fillid": "",
    "filltime": "",
    "parentorderid": "240903000628052",
    "uniqueorderid": "1725345678-8317-K55139251-BO",
    "exchangeorderid": "1000000021393821"