Websoket keeps disconnecting.
@admin I got the following error multiple times while running my algo using web socket. Connection closed: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (None). Please help mw with this.
I'm having the same issue. How did you fix this?
@rajanprabu Currently I'm testing it on my own machine. Yes, you are right. Root cause is reconnect method. I was also getting the tic k data while that method was printing heartbeat failed message.
Hi @rajanprabu yes we will update you on this Asap.
I have posted similar error yesterday. Where is your server hosted ? I ran two accounts today, one on aws and other on my network. AWS instance ran without any issue, while private one ran in to issues.
I believe this is due to disruptions in network. Reconnect module which was introduced in SDK 1.2.1 is taking care of this, but its keep trying and reconnecting and HeartBeat Failed message is also printed. its connected to one other. I think fixing reconnect module could fix all this issues
Please keep me posted about this.