how to create GTT OCO order

  • Hi @admin
    How do i create a GTT rule for OCO order for example, Sell at target or sell at stoploss

  • What about the target price? This is only stoplossprice

  • @Moderator_3
    Please share the parameters to create a GTT OCO order where I can mention the stoploss price and profit target price.

    The below order is manually created and I want to the same order to be created using API. This has both stoploss and target mentioned for OCO order.


  • @admin
    Thank you for the response ,
    But getting error while placing gtttype OCO
    sample request
    tradingsymbol: 'symbol',
    symboltoken: 'token',
    exchange: 'NFO',
    qty: '15',
    producttype: 'CARRYFORWARD',
    transactiontype: 'SELL',
    price: 401,
    disclosedqty: '15',
    triggerprice: 400,
    timeperiod: 1,
    gttType: 'OCO',
    stoplossprice: 370,
    stoplosstriggerprice: 372

  • Hi @balrajsand2002,

    POST: /rest/secure/angelbroking/gtt/v1/createRule

    Request Body :
    "disclosedqty": 0,
    "exchange": "BSE",
    "gttType": "",
    "ltp": 0,
    "price": 0,
    "producttype": "CARRYFORWARD",
    "qty": 0,
    "stoplossprice": 0,
    "stoplosstriggerprice": 0,

    "symboltoken": "string",
    "timeperiod": 0,
    "tradingsymbol": "string",
    "transactiontype": "BUY",
    "triggerprice": 0

    On above request pass OCO for gttType key and mandatory pass values for stoplossprice & stoplosstriggerprice.

    Thank You
    Smart API Team