Buy Limit orders with trigger
Hi Team,
I am looking for way to place Buy limit order using python.
Scenario :- ABC is trading at 100 and i want to buy only after it
crosses 105 and then my target is 110 with stop loss of 103.In a current situation if i place limit order and stock is trading below my price it execute order right away(which i dont want). Order should only execute at my price not below or after that.
Can you help me on this?
HI @ronak will test it from our side and update you.
Do we have a final solution for this? I want to buy with LIMIT but looks like its buying at market price instead. How to set a lower buy limit ?
my code: "{\n"exchange":"NSE",\n"symboltoken":1660,\n"tradingsymbol":"ITC-EQ",\n"duration":"DAY",\n"quantity":1,\n"disclosedquantity":1,\n"triggerprice":200,\n"transactiontype":"BUY",\n"ordertype":"LIMIT",\n"variety":"NORMAL",\n"producttype":"DELIVERY"\n}"
@rjbanna Just checked the JSON I am sending agree that my solution won't work :)
@jax248 I don't think so this would work. Because we place LIMIT orders when you want to buy something at a price lower than the current market price.
@builder35 Just add one more parameter as 'triggerprice'. By this it determines at what price order needs to be triggered. In price keep value as 0 in case you want to buy at Market Price after trigger, or any (95 in your case) desired value to buy at.
Your JSON will look something like this:
{ "variety":"NORMAL", "tradingsymbol":"BAJFINANCE25MAR215500CE", "symboltoken":"52414", "transactiontype":"BUY", "exchange":"NFO", "ordertype":"LIMIT", "price":"95", "triggerprice":"95", "producttype":"INTRADAY", "duration":"DAY", "quantity":"250" }
Let me know in case of any confusion.
@builder35 you have to use STOPLOSS_LIMIT order instead of LIMIT order.
user TRIGGER PRICE as 105 and LIMIT say 120.. -
@admin Below was the order parameters. When i place this order symbol was trading at 93 and my order got executed at 94. But i was set to buy only when it is at 95.
{ "variety": "NORMAL", "tradingsymbol": "BAJFINANCE25MAR215500CE", "symboltoken": "52414", "transactiontype": "BUY", "exchange": "NFO", "ordertype": "LIMIT", "price": "95", "producttype": "INTRADAY", "duration": "DAY", "quantity": "250" }
Hi @builder35 can you post your values which you are passing to hit limit orders.