Request to Update Historical Stock Data for TALBROAUTO

  • Hi Admin,

    I attempted to retrieve the historical data with a one-day time frame for the stock TALBROAUTO (token: '13648'). However, it appears that the data is only available from May 2, 2024, onwards. The stock data for the past five years should be available.

    Could you please update the historical data to include the missing period?

    Thank you

  • @Moderator_1,

    Thank you for resolving the issue with the historical data for the stock TALBROAUTO (token: '13648'). I have successfully retrieved the data. However, I have noticed a discrepancy in the stock prices related to a stock split. Specifically, the stock price on October 26, 2023, is 310.64, while the price on October 27, 2023, is 74.56.

    It appears that the prices are not adjusted for the stock split. Could you please update the historical data to reflect the adjusted prices, taking into account the stock split? This adjustment is crucial for accurate analysis.

    Thank you for your assistance.

  • Hello @manideepbitm

    Thank you for rising this issue this has been fixed now.

    SmartAPI Team

  • Hello @manideepbitm,
    We have raised this to our internal team and would provide the data for the same soon. Thank you for pointing this out and helping your fellow traders with important issues.

    We will let you know once the data has been made available.

    Thank you.

    SmartAPI Team

  • Hello @Moderator_3,

    Thank you for your assistance so far. I have confirmed that the historical data for the stock TALBROAUTO (token: '13648') is only available from February 5, 2024, onwards. Attempts to retrieve data prior to this date result in the error code AB1004 - "Something Went Wrong, Please Try After Sometime."

    Could you please update the historical data to include the period before February 5, 2024? This data is essential for my analysis.

    Thank you.

  • Hello @manideepbitm
    We are getting the datails from feb itself.Can you please check you headers from the attached link and confirm

    SmartAPI Team

  • Hello @Moderator_3,

    Thank you for your previous guidance. I attempted to retrieve data with a reduced date range as suggested, but I am still encountering issues.

    Specifically, when trying to fetch data for the stock TALBROAUTO (token: '13648') for the date range from January 25, 2024, to February 4, 2024, I received the following error:

    Error Code: AB1004 - "Something Went Wrong, Please Try After Sometime."

    Here is the exact query I used:

    "exchange": "NSE",
    "symboltoken": "13648",
    "interval": "ONE_DAY",
    "fromdate": "2024-01-25 00:00",
    "todate": "2024-02-04 18:05"
    I have successfully retrieved data for other tokens using similar parameters, so the issue appears to be specific to this token or date range.

    Could you please look into this matter and provide further assistance on how to resolve this issue? Your help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

  • Hello @manideepbitm

    Please reduce your from n todate interval and check
    The token which you are provided in request is correct only

    SmartAPI Team

  • @Moderator_3,

    Thank you for your response. I appreciate the guidance provided. However, I am still encountering an issue with the historical data for the stock TALBROAUTO (token: '13648').

    I have successfully retrieved data for over 80 other tokens using the same code and parameters. However, for TALBROAUTO, data is only available starting from May 2, 2024. My request for data spans from February 24, 2021, to June 9, 2024. Here is the specific query I am using:

    "exchange": "NSE",
    "symboltoken": "13648",
    "interval": "ONE_DAY",
    "fromdate": "2021-02-24 00:00",
    "todate": "2024-06-09 18:05"
    Given that historical data for the past five years should be available, could you please verify if there is any issue specific to this token or provide further guidance on how to access the complete historical data for TALBROAUTO?

  • Hello @manideepbitm
    Data is avaialbale .., To achive the data you need to pass from and to date accordinly.

    SmartAPI Team