Option chain api avilibility.
Hi SmartAPI team,
Is there any news on Option chain API ? where as we want all detailed option chain for each expiry. OI data, OI change and all other option chain elements ?
Can you please confirm by when it will be available for end users ? -
@v-localhost Scrip Master is the list of all tradable instruments [link to scrip master file]. (https://margincalculator.angelbroking.com/OpenAPI_File/files/OpenAPIScripMaster.json)
It is updated daily at 8:30 AM -
see we can get the Option Chain from the Script Master itself !!!
get the Script Master in to excle grom Json
then filter it out either using excel filter or pandas in data frame -
@deepakjain what help you required. All doccument is proivded by Angel SmartAPI team. the doccuments are really good and clear. you can take help from any AI tool to build your own code. If you need any assistnace you can post your queries in tihs community or you can let me know I'll help you.
@Moderator_1 Thanks for your response. Actully I'm looking for API instead of websocket..!! I checked with websocket, but I feel API is more convinent option, where as this is not that much frequently required.
Can you please explain me what exactly script master.
Thank you for yoru time. -
@Mnagesh Thanks for your response. Option chain api is available ? if yes then where to get that. I didn't understnad the script master meaning. Can you please explain me more on this.
Thank you again for your time. - topic:timeago_earlier,10 days
Hello @v-localhost,
We provide Option Chain data in the Websocket. You can look for the specific tokens on the Scrip Master Json file and subscribe the requisite tokens in Websocket Streaming. In the full mode in websocket, you get the option chain data. Here is the link to documentation.
@Mnagesh Can you help me setup algo trading?
@v-localhost we can code that or get it simply from script master