Universal Elixir SDK all brokers
I'm working on a universal SDK that can support any broker api.
I have started with AngelOne first and open sourced the code here : TradeGalleonI have integrated this to my elixir phoenix app here developed for
: AngelTrading
Features:- Main login with TOTP only for security
- No signup, as this is solely for
personal usage
. - Although the signup can be done via server console.
- No signup, as this is solely for
- Client login with TOTP secret for automated login.
- Dashboard : Multiple clients can be added.
- Client routing
- Global Watchlist adds for main login is shared with all clients.
- Portfolio with all details of holding, cash, profits/losses.
- Order listing page with open, position, history with cancel order / live data / unrealised gain/loss etc
- New order page for sell / buy from portfolio or watchlist
- quote data for individual holding with all details and 15min graph.
I have made this application for learning and personal usage. But I've open sourced the code to showcase how elixir can help build an entire application with so little effort. Just to inform this application is running on a free fly.io instance with just
and1 CPU
Did not used a dedicated DB, as hosting other free app on fly.io. So no quote for a DB server :-).
I haven't added any testing or used best practices. Just wanted to have an app running in no time and can be used by me or family members for daily trading needs.Here is quick Demo of the app.
- Main login with TOTP only for security