Not getting ticks

  • Hi @admin
    when i tried to use websocketv2
    i am getting tick and after that i am getting b'\x00'

    below is the output

    on open
    Ticks: {'subscription_mode': 3, 'exchange_type': 1, 'token': '26009', 'sequence_number': 15648232, 'exchange_timestamp': 1698230200000, 'last_traded_price': 4283200, 'subscription_mode_val': 'SNAP_QUOTE', 'last_traded_quantity': 0, 'average_traded_price': 0, 'volume_trade_for_the_day': 0, 'total_buy_quantity': 0.0, 'total_sell_quantity': 0.0, 'open_price_of_the_day': 0, 'high_price_of_the_day': 0, 'low_price_of_the_day': 0, 'closed_price': 4315120, 'last_traded_timestamp': 0, 'open_interest': 21203640, 'open_interest_change_percentage': 4633259491834387275, 'upper_circuit_limit': 0, 'lower_circuit_limit': 0, '52_week_high_price': 0, '52_week_low_price': 0, 'best_5_buy_data': [{'flag': 1, 'quantity': 0, 'price': 0, 'no of orders': 0}, {'flag': 1, 'quantity': 0, 'price': 0, 'no of orders': 0}, {'flag': 1, 'quantity': 0, 'price': 0, 'no of orders': 0}, {'flag': 1, 'quantity': 0, 'price': 0, 'no of orders': 0}, {'flag': 1, 'quantity': 0, 'price': 0, 'no of orders': 0}], 'best_5_sell_data': [{'flag': 0, 'quantity': 0, 'price': 0, 'no of orders': 0}, {'flag': 0, 'quantity': 0, 'price': 0, 'no of orders': 0}, {'flag': 0, 'quantity': 0, 'price': 0, 'no of orders': 0}, {'flag': 0, 'quantity': 0, 'price': 0, 'no of orders': 0}, {'flag': 0, 'quantity': 0, 'price': 0, 'no of orders': 0}]}
    Ticks: b'\x00'
    Ticks: b'\x00'
    Ticks: b'\x00'
    Ticks: b'\x00'
    Ticks: b'\x00'
    Ticks: b'\x00'
    Ticks: b'\x00'
    Ticks: b'\x00'
    Ticks: b'\x00'
    Ticks: b'\x00'
    Ticks: b'\x00'

    below is my code

    from SmartApi import SmartConnect
    from SmartApi.smartWebSocketV2 import SmartWebSocketV2
    feed_token = obj.getfeedToken()

    sws = SmartWebSocketV2(data["data"]["jwtToken"], key_secret[0], key_secret[2], feed_token)

    correlation_id = "stream_1" #any string value which will help identify the specific streaming in case of concurrent streaming
    action = 1 #1 subscribe, 0 unsubscribe
    mode = 3 #1 for LTP, 2 for Quote and 2 for SnapQuote

    token_list = [{"exchangeType": 1, "tokens": ["26009"]}]

    def on_data(wsapp, message):
    print("Ticks: {}".format(message))

    def on_open(wsapp):
    print("on open")
    sws.subscribe(correlation_id, mode, token_list)

    def on_error(wsapp, error):

    Assign the callbacks.

    sws.on_open = on_open
    sws.on_data = on_data
    sws.on_error = on_error


    can you please tell me what is the issue

  • Hello @Bhanu
    Also the token code for Nifty and Bank Nifty has changed in the scrip master. Please use the new values.
    Please try using this code during market hours

    from SmartApi.smartWebSocketV2 import SmartWebSocketV2
    from logzero import logger
    AUTH_TOKEN = "auth_token"
    API_KEY = "api_key_here"
    CLIENT_CODE = "client_code"
    FEED_TOKEN = "feed_token"
    correlation_id = "abc123"// any string value
    action = 1
    mode = 3
    token_list = [
            "exchangeType": 1,
            "tokens": ["26009"]
    #retry_strategy=0 for simple retry mechanism
    #retry_strategy=1 for exponential retry mechanism
    # sws = SmartWebSocketV2(AUTH_TOKEN, API_KEY, CLIENT_CODE, FEED_TOKEN,max_retry_attempt=3, retry_strategy=1, retry_delay=10,retry_multiplier=2, retry_duration=30)
    def on_data(wsapp, message):"Ticks: {}".format(message))
        # close_connection()
    def on_control_message(wsapp, message):"Control Message: {message}")
    def on_open(wsapp):"on open")
        some_error_condition = False
        if some_error_condition:
            error_message = "Simulated error"
            if hasattr(wsapp, 'on_error'):
                wsapp.on_error("Custom Error Type", error_message)
            sws.subscribe(correlation_id, mode, token_list)
            # sws.unsubscribe(correlation_id, mode, token_list1)
    def on_error(wsapp, error):
    def on_close(wsapp):"Close")
    def close_connection():
    # Assign the callbacks.
    sws.on_open = on_open
    sws.on_data = on_data
    sws.on_error = on_error
    sws.on_close = on_close
    sws.on_control_message = on_control_message

  • Hello @Bhanu ,

    Apologies for the delayed response.
    Thanks for raising this issue. I have raised this issue to tech team and will get back to you once I get a resolution from them. If you have any other issue, please share request and response on

    SmartAPI Team