Unable to Place FNO Orders but EQUITY Orders Work

  • Re: [Unable to Place orders for Options Trading](able to place orders for equity)

    I am also facing same problem

    This works fine
    {'variety': 'NORMAL', 'tradingsymbol': 'SBIN-EQ', 'symboltoken': 3045, 'transactiontype': 'BUY', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'ordertype': 'MARKET', 'producttype': 'INTRADAY', 'duration': 'DAY', 'price': 100, 'squareoff': '0', 'stoploss': '100', 'quantity': 100, 'triggerprice': 100}

    This gives error
    {'variety': 'NORMAL', 'tradingsymbol': 'BANKNIFTY30NOV23FUT', 'symboltoken': 57919, 'transactiontype': 'BUY', 'exchange': 'NFO', 'ordertype': 'MARKET', 'producttype': 'INTRADAY', 'duration': 'DAY', 'price': 100, 'squareoff': '0', 'stoploss': '100', 'quantity': 2, 'triggerprice': 80}

    Pls resolve this at the earliest.

  • Dear @rgangara

    Apologies for the delayed response. From your request we can see that you have entered 2 in the quantity field, which is not allowed. Only Multiples of the Lot size are allowed in it. If you want to buy 2 lots of BANKNIFTY, please enter 2*15, ie. 30 in the request. If you are still facing this issue, please share request and response on smartapi@angelbroking.com.

    SmartAPI Team

  • @rgangara

    Pathetic customer support services.
    Its 20 days and no response yet.

    simple code

    orderparams = {
    "variety": "NORMAL",
    "tradingsymbol": "NIFTY30NOV2319750CE",
    "symboltoken": str(58682),
    "transactiontype": "BUY",
    "exchange": "NFO",
    "ordertype": "LIMIT",
    "producttype": "INTRADAY",
    "duration": "DAY",
    "price": str(100),

    "squareoff": 10,

    "stoploss": 40,

    "quantity": str(2),
    "triggerprice": str(105)


    Throwing up error : TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

    Even without using the str() for numbers, same issue
    Can you respond ASAP ?
    Unable to place Orders

  • Admin,
    Can you pls respond ? I am unable to place NFO Orders with Place_Order API but Equity Orders work fine.

    Pls respond at the earliest... Its urgent.