SmartAPIs throw "AB1034 : Apps not found"
I am facing invalid API key or App not found please help. contact: 9637479610
Hi @G73367 Can you provide us your contact details so that our team can further help you with this.
@admin from morning i got this error continuously " AngelBroking get_access_token failed: AB1034 : Apps not found" what is the exact issue pls help
@admin hi admin i am also having the same problem as harkal..
i tried to login to smartapi my account did not exist .. then i have signed up again now.. created a new app used the api key to connect... not connecting please help -
@admin said in SmartAPIs throw "AB1034 : Apps not found":
Hi @harkal Can you provide us your contact details so that our team can further help you with this.
Hi @harkal Can you provide us your contact details so that our team can further help you with this.
Hi harkal, Can i get help from you upto the stage where you reached, I am also getting same error but mine never got logged in before.
Whatsapp 9944952095 -
@admin said in SmartAPIs throw "AB1034 : Apps not found":
Hi @harkal kindly reset your password at
and give correct API key in the input to establish a connection.@admin thanks for the reply 🙏 🙏 🙏
i was super sure about the password
but account didnt exists when i tried to reset the password
now i hv recreated the account with the same emailand with that new account i have created three apps
none of them works
i hv types the api keys letter by letter just to be surebut it throws the same error again and again
even you can regenrate the issue just by creating new account and then create an app. every new app is throwing the error.
please help 🙏 🙏 🙏
Hi @harkal kindly reset your password at
and give correct API key in the input to establish a connection. -
@harkal said in SmartAPIs throw "AB1034 : Apps not found":
till yesterday everything was working fine
today when i tried to login i couldnt even access my account
it gave me an error email or password is wrongwhen i tried forgot password it said user does not exists
then i created new account with the same email, i was able to create it
and with new account i m able to create new apps but none of them works and all SmartApis throw the error
{"message":"Apps not found","errorcode":"AB1034","status":false,"data":null}
and the app i had before the deletion of my account is working fine
new apps are not working
another thing i noticed is that
earier i got email from api@angeltrading.comthis time i m getting emails from
angel needs to buy better developers current ones are so horrible at coding
please help if anyone knows anything about it 🙏 🙏 🙏
@admin please look into this