How to send stock data in django webpage through WebSocket
Hi Everyone, I am working on one of my projects where I have to show Symbol data on my webpage using WebSocket and Django. I am slightly confused about how to send value from a code file to an HTML page.
Here is my code example please help me.import struct
import threading
import time
import ssl
import json
import websocket
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from threading import Timerclass SmartWebSocketV2(object):
SmartAPI Web Socket version 2
"""ROOT_URI = "ws://" HEART_BEAT_MESSAGE = "ping" HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL = 10 # Adjusted to 10s LITTLE_ENDIAN_BYTE_ORDER = "<" RESUBSCRIBE_FLAG = False # HB_THREAD_FLAG = True # Available Actions SUBSCRIBE_ACTION = 1 UNSUBSCRIBE_ACTION = 0 # Possible Subscription Mode LTP_MODE = 1 QUOTE = 2 SNAP_QUOTE = 3 # Exchange Type NSE_CM = 1 NSE_FO = 2 BSE_CM = 3 BSE_FO = 4 MCX_FO = 5 NCX_FO = 7 CDE_FO = 13 # Subscription Mode Map SUBSCRIPTION_MODE_MAP = { 1: "LTP", 2: "QUOTE", 3: "SNAP_QUOTE" } wsapp = None input_request_dict = {} current_retry_attempt = 0 def __init__(self, auth_token, api_key, client_code, feed_token, max_retry_attempt=1): """ Initialise the SmartWebSocketV2 instance Parameters ------ auth_token: string jwt auth token received from Login API api_key: string api key from Smart API account client_code: string angel one account id feed_token: string feed token received from Login API """ self.auth_token = auth_token self.api_key = api_key self.client_code = client_code self.feed_token = feed_token self.DISCONNECT_FLAG = True self.last_pong_timestamp = None self.MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPT = max_retry_attempt if not self._sanity_check(): raise Exception("Provide valid value for all the tokens") def _sanity_check(self): return True # if self.auth_token is None or self.api_key is None or self.client_code is None or self.feed_token is None: # return False # return True def _on_message(self, wsapp, message): print("message--->", message) if message != "pong": parsed_message = self._parse_binary_data(message) self.on_message(wsapp, parsed_message) else: self.on_message(wsapp, message) def _on_data(self, wsapp, data, data_type, continue_flag): if data_type == 2: parsed_message = self._parse_binary_data(data) self.on_data(wsapp, parsed_message) else: self.on_data(wsapp, data) def _on_open(self, wsapp): if self.RESUBSCRIBE_FLAG: self.resubscribe() self.RESUBSCRIBE_FLAG = False # Add this line to prevent resubscription on subsequent reconnects else: self.on_open(wsapp) def _on_pong(self, wsapp, data): if data == self.HEART_BEAT_MESSAGE: timestamp = time.time() formatted_timestamp = time.strftime("%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(timestamp)) print(f"In on pong function ==> {data}, Timestamp: {formatted_timestamp}") self.last_pong_timestamp = timestamp else: # Handle the received feed data here self.on_data(wsapp, data) def _on_ping(self, wsapp, data): timestamp = time.time() formatted_timestamp = time.strftime("%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(timestamp)) print(f"In on ping function ==> {data}, Timestamp: {formatted_timestamp}") self.last_ping_timestamp = timestamp def check_connection_status(self): current_time = time.time() if self.last_pong_timestamp is not None and current_time - self.last_pong_timestamp > 2*self.HEART_BEAT_MESSAGE: # Stale connection detected, take appropriate action self.close_connection() self.connect() def start_ping_timer(self): def send_ping(): try: current_time = if self.last_pong_timestamp is None or self.last_pong_timestamp < current_time - timedelta(self.HEART_BEAT_MESSAGE): # print("stale connection detected") # self.wsapp.close() self.connect() else: self.last_ping_timestamp = time.time() except Exception as e: self.wsapp.close() self.resubscribe() ping_timer = Timer(5, send_ping) ping_timer.start() def subscribe(self, correlation_id, mode, token_list): """ This Function subscribe the price data for the given token Parameters ------ correlation_id: string A 10 character alphanumeric ID client may provide which will be returned by the server in error response to indicate which request generated error response. Clients can use this optional ID for tracking purposes between request and corresponding error response. mode: integer It denotes the subscription type possible values -> 1, 2 and 3 1 -> LTP 2 -> Quote 3 -> Snap Quote token_list: list of dict Sample Value -> [ { "exchangeType": 1, "tokens": ["10626", "5290"]}, {"exchangeType": 5, "tokens": [ "234230", "234235", "234219"]} ] exchangeType: integer possible values -> 1 -> nse_cm 2 -> nse_fo 3 -> bse_cm 4 -> bse_fo 5 -> mcx_fo 7 -> ncx_fo 13 -> cde_fo tokens: list of string """ try: request_data = { "correlationID": correlation_id, "action": self.SUBSCRIBE_ACTION, "params": { "mode": mode, "tokenList": token_list } } if self.input_request_dict.get(mode, None) is None: self.input_request_dict[mode] = {} for token in token_list: if token['exchangeType'] in self.input_request_dict[mode]: self.input_request_dict[mode][token['exchangeType']].extend(token["tokens"]) else: self.input_request_dict[mode][token['exchangeType']] = token["tokens"] self.wsapp.send(json.dumps(request_data)) self.RESUBSCRIBE_FLAG = True except Exception as e: raise e def unsubscribe(self, correlation_id, mode, token_list): """ This function unsubscribe the data for given token Parameters ------ correlation_id: string A 10 character alphanumeric ID client may provide which will be returned by the server in error response to indicate which request generated error response. Clients can use this optional ID for tracking purposes between request and corresponding error response. mode: integer It denotes the subscription type possible values -> 1, 2 and 3 1 -> LTP 2 -> Quote 3 -> Snap Quote token_list: list of dict Sample Value -> [ { "exchangeType": 1, "tokens": ["10626", "5290"]}, {"exchangeType": 5, "tokens": [ "234230", "234235", "234219"]} ] exchangeType: integer possible values -> 1 -> nse_cm 2 -> nse_fo 3 -> bse_cm 4 -> bse_fo 5 -> mcx_fo 7 -> ncx_fo 13 -> cde_fo tokens: list of string """ try: request_data = { "correlationID": correlation_id, "action": self.UNSUBSCRIBE_ACTION, "params": { "mode": mode, "tokenList": token_list } } self.input_request_dict.update(request_data) self.input_request_dict.update(request_data) self.wsapp.send(json.dumps(request_data)) self.RESUBSCRIBE_FLAG = True except Exception as e: raise e def resubscribe(self): try: for key, val in self.input_request_dict.items(): token_list = [] for key1, val1 in val.items(): temp_data = { 'exchangeType': key1, 'tokens': val1 } token_list.append(temp_data) request_data = { "action": self.SUBSCRIBE_ACTION, "params": { "mode": key, "tokenList": token_list } } self.wsapp.send(json.dumps(request_data)) except Exception as e: raise e def connect(self): """ Make the web socket connection with the server """ headers = { "Authorization": self.auth_token, "x-api-key": self.api_key, "x-client-code": self.client_code, "x-feed-token": self.feed_token } try: self.wsapp = websocket.WebSocketApp(self.ROOT_URI, header=headers, on_open=self._on_open, on_error=self._on_error, on_close=self._on_close, on_data=self._on_data, on_ping=self._on_ping, on_pong=self._on_pong) self.wsapp.run_forever(sslopt={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE}, ping_interval=self.HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL, ping_payload=self.HEART_BEAT_MESSAGE) # self.start_ping_timer() except Exception as e: raise e def close_connection(self): """ Closes the connection """ self.RESUBSCRIBE_FLAG = False self.DISCONNECT_FLAG = True # self.HB_THREAD_FLAG = False if self.wsapp: self.wsapp.close() # def run(self): # while True: # if not self.HB_THREAD_FLAG: # break # self.send_heart_beat() # time.sleep(self.HEAR_BEAT_INTERVAL) def send_heart_beat(self): try: self.wsapp.send(self.HEART_BEAT_MESSAGE) except Exception as e: raise e def _on_error(self, wsapp, error): # self.HB_THREAD_FLAG = False self.RESUBSCRIBE_FLAG = True if self.current_retry_attempt < self.MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPT: print("Attempting to resubscribe/reconnect...") self.current_retry_attempt += 1 try: self.close_connection() self.connect() except Exception as e: print("Error occurred during resubscribe/reconnect:", str(e)) else: self.close_connection() def _on_close(self, wsapp): # self.HB_THREAD_FLAG = False # print(self.wsapp.close_frame) self.on_close(wsapp) def _parse_binary_data(self, binary_data): parsed_data = { "subscription_mode": self._unpack_data(binary_data, 0, 1, byte_format="B")[0], "exchange_type": self._unpack_data(binary_data, 1, 2, byte_format="B")[0], "token": SmartWebSocketV2._parse_token_value(binary_data[2:27]), "sequence_number": self._unpack_data(binary_data, 27, 35, byte_format="q")[0], "exchange_timestamp": self._unpack_data(binary_data, 35, 43, byte_format="q")[0], "last_traded_price": self._unpack_data(binary_data, 43, 51, byte_format="q")[0] } try: parsed_data["subscription_mode_val"] = self.SUBSCRIPTION_MODE_MAP.get(parsed_data["subscription_mode"]) if parsed_data["subscription_mode"] in [self.QUOTE, self.SNAP_QUOTE]: parsed_data["last_traded_quantity"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 51, 59, byte_format="q")[0] parsed_data["average_traded_price"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 59, 67, byte_format="q")[0] parsed_data["volume_trade_for_the_day"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 67, 75, byte_format="q")[0] parsed_data["total_buy_quantity"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 75, 83, byte_format="d")[0] parsed_data["total_sell_quantity"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 83, 91, byte_format="d")[0] parsed_data["open_price_of_the_day"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 91, 99, byte_format="q")[0] parsed_data["high_price_of_the_day"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 99, 107, byte_format="q")[0] parsed_data["low_price_of_the_day"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 107, 115, byte_format="q")[0] parsed_data["closed_price"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 115, 123, byte_format="q")[0] if parsed_data["subscription_mode"] == self.SNAP_QUOTE: parsed_data["last_traded_timestamp"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 123, 131, byte_format="q")[0] parsed_data["open_interest"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 131, 139, byte_format="q")[0] parsed_data["open_interest_change_percentage"] = \ self._unpack_data(binary_data, 139, 147, byte_format="q")[0] parsed_data["upper_circuit_limit"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 347, 355, byte_format="q")[0] parsed_data["lower_circuit_limit"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 355, 363, byte_format="q")[0] parsed_data["52_week_high_price"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 363, 371, byte_format="q")[0] parsed_data["52_week_low_price"] = self._unpack_data(binary_data, 371, 379, byte_format="q")[0] best_5_buy_and_sell_data = self._parse_best_5_buy_and_sell_data(binary_data[147:347]) parsed_data["best_5_buy_data"] = best_5_buy_and_sell_data["best_5_sell_data"] parsed_data["best_5_sell_data"] = best_5_buy_and_sell_data["best_5_buy_data"] return parsed_data except Exception as e: raise e def _unpack_data(self, binary_data, start, end, byte_format="I"): """ Unpack Binary Data to the integer according to the specified byte_format. This function returns the tuple """ return struct.unpack(self.LITTLE_ENDIAN_BYTE_ORDER + byte_format, binary_data[start:end]) @staticmethod def _parse_token_value(binary_packet): token = "" for i in range(len(binary_packet)): if chr(binary_packet[i]) == '\x00': return token token += chr(binary_packet[i]) return token def _parse_best_5_buy_and_sell_data(self, binary_data): def split_packets(binary_packets): packets = [] i = 0 while i < len(binary_packets): packets.append(binary_packets[i: i + 20]) i += 20 return packets best_5_buy_sell_packets = split_packets(binary_data) best_5_buy_data = [] best_5_sell_data = [] for packet in best_5_buy_sell_packets: each_data = { "flag": self._unpack_data(packet, 0, 2, byte_format="H")[0], "quantity": self._unpack_data(packet, 2, 10, byte_format="q")[0], "price": self._unpack_data(packet, 10, 18, byte_format="q")[0], "no of orders": self._unpack_data(packet, 18, 20, byte_format="H")[0] } if each_data["flag"] == 0: best_5_buy_data.append(each_data) else: best_5_sell_data.append(each_data) return { "best_5_buy_data": best_5_buy_data, "best_5_sell_data": best_5_sell_data } # def on_message(self, wsapp, message): # print(message) def on_data(self, wsapp, data): pass def on_close(self, wsapp): pass def on_open(self, wsapp): pass def on_error(self): pass