How to place the Robo (BO) Order
Wanted to place the Robo (BO) or CO order using the API but documentation is not very clear in this regards.
However i tried to place STOPLOSS order as OrderType = STOPLOSS_MARKET by providing values to squareoff, stoploss and trailingStopLoss but it seems that order was provided like normal order.
Moreover i couldn't able to find any way to exit the Robo (BO) order.
In many provided SDK's you have mentioned constants for BO and CO under product type, what are the uses of those?
@admin Great!!
Hi @narender You can place BO orders now.
Hi @admin can u please give us ETA for this
Hi @admin , can you please provide a tentative date for it's implementation ? thanks.
@admin when can we expect it's implementation?
@raaxus Our APIs do not support BO and CO orders currently.