Access denied because of exceeding access rate

  • Hi, I am sending 1 API request every second, and still getting this error. I read so many other posts about the same, why are you not resolving this?

  • Hello @mihirshah2500 ,

    Apologies for delayed response and inconvenience is regretted.
    Can you provide your client code, API name which caused this issue and date and time when this issue occured so that tech team can check logs?

    Thank you.

    SmartAPI Team

  • I am also facing same issue having rate limit 1 for order book api does not make sense because we might need to refresh orders as we place them, Any plans to fix this? If not then these apis wont be useful for integration

  • This happens again and again even on a single API call.
    Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 10.00.13 AM.png

    Angel team, are you ever going to resolve this?

  • Yes, same issue faced multiple times.

    Even on sending 1 request in a second, it is giving the error for Holdings API.

    This has been happening almost every day when the API is used. Why is the team not fixing this, even after so many users reporting these in multiple posts?

    Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 1.14.09 PM.png