Error while getting historical data
Error while fetching historical candle data for 2 days for 200 stocks in 5 mins time frame. Please help
DataException: Couldn't parse the JSON response received from the server: b'Access denied because of exceeding access rate'
Hi @Sady27 @gaur1234 or anyone who sees this can you help me with an idea/code to fetch historic data of multiple stocks at a time? My code loops through the stocks and its way too slow
also since there is a limit where we can only get 500 datapoints from getCandleData i cant get too much data either if i want then it will slow down the process even more -
Thanks. It works. at any point of time if within seconds I requested for more than 3 packets then it throws an error hence putting the sleep works .
@Sady27 put time.sleep(0.35) just before fetching the data