Why is stop loss working opposite

  • Hi @admin
    For this order, if current trading price is 580, and i want to protect my order so that if the price becomes less than 560, then it should exit automatically, which is the purpose of stop-loss, why is this order against the rules? how to set an order where i can actually do stop-loss,
    it is saying your trigger price should be greater than LTP
    "tradingsymbol": "SBIN-EQ",
    "symboltoken": "3045",
    "transactiontype": "BUY",
    "quantity": 12,
    "ordertype": "STOPLOSS_MARKET",
    "variety": "STOPLOSS",
    "triggerprice": "560",
    "producttype": "DELIVERY",
    "exchange": "NSE",
    "duration": "IOC"