Difference in Listed Price in API as compared to Angelone Website

  • I am trying to fetch the Listed Price for an option contract. I can see there is a difference in the price that is retrieved via API as compared to what I see on the Angel One Website

    Following is the details I got via API (smartConnect.getLTP())
    "close": 14.65,
    "exchange": "NFO",
    "high": 25.55,
    "low": 8.6,
    "ltp": 20.85,
    "open": 17.9,
    "symboltoken": "53308",
    "tradingsymbol": "NIFTY29MAR2316600PE"
    When I see on AngelOne website I can see the following.

    NSE Website is showing the following

    Why is this discreprancy?

  • Hi @ajitjv

    Apologies for delayed response.
    Thank you for notifying us on this.
    We will verify the same if the discrepancy still occurs.

    Thanks & Regards,
    SmartAPI team