TOTP Integration

  • Hi @admin

    TOTP gets expire after 30 seconds. Is there a way to get TOTP programmatically? Right now, I'm entering TOTP manually to see if API is working, but it throws Invalid TOTP if I try same API after 30 seconds. It doesn't make sense to enter TOTP after every 30 seconds to use SmartAPI. Please describe here if there is any way to read TOTP automatically.

  • You are not supposed to enter TOTP. You are supposed to enter the QR code received during TOTP registration.

    If you are using python/dot net, or any other language, they have their OTP nugets, where you can pass your QR and it generates the OTP.

    Plesae let me the language you are using for integration for further help.

  • Hi @sumanth,

    Apologies for delayed response.
    TOTP has be entered for only once while login to retrieve the Smart API Authorization token in order to consume our APIs.

    Thanks & Regards,
    SmartAPI team