How to fetch last price (LTP) of multiple instrument in one API Call
As per the comments in Examples code it is mentioned that we can fetch LTP of multiple instruments in one call. But as per API parameters input, there seems to be no such option. Can you please let me know which parameters need to be passed to do that .
Thanks & Regards
@mdnafis8 said in How to fetch last price (LTP) of multiple instrument in one API Call:
Why I am getting Method threw 'java.lang.IllegalStateException' exception. in getLTP Method.

Why I am getting Method threw 'java.lang.IllegalStateException' exception. in getLTP Method.

@shekharchauhan said in How to fetch last price (LTP) of multiple instrument in one API Call:
ents in Examples code it is mentioned that we can fetch LTP of multi
HI @shekharchauhan , currently we are providing only one instrument in a call. For multiple instruments, please use web socket streaming.