Query regarding Angel Broking's SmartAPI

  • Hi,

    For my trading requirements, I'm considering using Angel Broking's SmartAPI. I hope you can answer a few questions I have.

    1. How do I begin using SmartAPI? Are there any requirements that I must meet?

    2. What types of data are accessible with SmartAPI? Do you have access to real-time market information like stock quotations and charts?

    3. Can several programming languages be used with SmartAPI? Which languages can I use?

    4. Just how safe is SmartAPI? What steps has Angel Broking done to ensure that my trading data is secure?

    5. What are the SmartAPI price options? Do I need to be aware of any additional costs?

    Any information you could give me on these questions would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate you taking the time to help.

    Best Regards
    [Vivek Garg]

  • Hi @vivek101

    Apologies for delayed response.

    1. SmartAPI can be consumed by signing up on smart API website and generate API_Key

    2. Real time market data can be used via smartAPI. Please find the doc below for the list of sources provided.

    3. We are provided multiple SDKs to make use of SmartAPI like JAVA, Python, Golang and so.
      Ref Doc: https://smartapi.angelbroking.com/docs >Libraries and SDKs

    4. On SmartAPI, we are consumed secured https connection for all of our API. We are using 2FA(two factor authentication) with the Authorization token to be passed on all of smartAPI to be used.

    5. SmartAPI is free of cost for our valuable customers.

    Thanks & Regards,
    SmartAPI team