Tried the WebSocket Streaming 2.0 and I am not getting market data
Tried the WebSocket Streaming 2.0 and I am not getting market data. Can someone help me on this.
I am using python library
This is my code"""
Created on Monday Feb 2 2022@author: Nishant Jain :copyright: (c) 2022 by Angel One Limited
from SmartApi import SmartWebSocketV2
from smartapi import SmartConnect #or from smartapi.smartConnect import SmartConnect
#import smartapi.smartExceptions(for smartExceptions)
API_KEY = 'xxxxxx'
CLIENT_CODE = 'xxxxxxx'#create object of call
obj=SmartConnect(api_key=API_KEY)#login api call
data = obj.generateSession(CLIENT_CODE,"xxxx",'xxxxxx')
refreshToken = data['data']['refreshToken']#fetch the feedtoken
feedToken = obj.getfeedToken()
#fetch User Profile
userProfile = obj.getProfile(refreshToken)
AUTH_TOKEN = data['data']['jwtToken']
FEED_TOKEN = feedTokencorrelation_id = "ABCDEF1235"
action = 1
mode = 2#token_list = [{"exchangeType": 1, "tokens": ["26009"]}]
token_list = [{"exchangeType": 5, "tokens": ["240284"]}]
def on_data(wsapp, message):
print("Ticks: {}".format(message))def on_open(wsapp):
print("on open")
sws.subscribe(correlation_id, mode, token_list)def on_error(wsapp, error):
print(error)def on_close(wsapp):
print("Close")Assign the callbacks.
sws.on_open = on_open
sws.on_data = on_data
sws.on_error = on_error
sws.on_close = on_closesws.connect()
Hi @skgkrish
Apologies for delayed response.
Websocket 2.0 is working fine from our end now. Kindly reverify and let us know if any issue occurs still.Thanks & Regards,
SmartAPI team