Not able to get Open Interest data for index option

  • Hi Team,
    I am using Java SDK v2, I am using web socket streaming to get data of option. Mainly looking on Banknifty options oi and toi data.

    I am getting tick response like below
    [{"tbq":"195500","lo":"104.55","c":"198.30","e":"nse_fo","ltq":"25","ltp":"249.95","ltt":"16/01/2023 14:58:48","bp":"249.85","bq":"50","ap":"195.29","bs":"100","tsq":"293350","nc":"26.05","v":"39364500","tk":"44780","name":"sf","to":"7687493205.00","sp":"250.30","cng":"51.65"}]

    It has many fields but not the OI and TOI fields.

    Your documentation of web socket streaming specifies oi and toi will be returned.

    Not sure if I am doing it wrong or your documentation is incorrect or bug in Java SDK. Please help.

    I am new to angel one platform and recently started exploring the Java API. Being developer myself my initial impression of the smart-api java SDK is that, its not matured one and needs lot more work. At-least make the jar available in central Github.
    Also I do not see frequent commits in your github for java sdk. So not sure if you guys are adding new capabilities to it.

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