Login by mpin
AngelBroking get_access_token failed: AB7001 : LoginbyPassword is not allowed. Please switch to Login by MPIN now. How to resolve this ?
@ashron12 in the login by password API, use mpin instead of password.
@ThetaDecay I am not able to see the mpin login option itself
- topic:timeago_earlier,8 months
Hey admin, I am getting this response all the time, I even tried new api key and token, but it's not working.
{"success":false,"message":"Invalid Token","errorCode":"AG8001","data":""}
My clinet code is : M54297316,
Please, look into the matter at earliest. - topic:timeago_earlier,about a year
@ThetaDecay ..i am using mpin, but still getting same error.
- topic:timeago_earlier,2 months
Please read this post to know more about the issue --> https://smartapi.angelbroking.com/topic/3383/important-announcement-change-in-angel-one-login-policy?_=1673251972648
@kushalvar use mpin instead of password