WebSocket V2 In on pong function==> b'\x00'
followed the given solutions in this link(https://smartapi.angelbroking.com/topic/2570/websocket-2-0/9?_=1667760289934), but these solutions are not working 100%. alot of times the tick is not fetching the data
on open
Ticks: {'subscription_mode': 1, 'exchange_type': 2, 'token': '41747', 'sequence_number': 1291696, 'exchange_timestamp': 1672890773000, 'last_traded_price': 30120, 'subscription_mode_val': 'LTP'}
on message
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
Ticks: {'subscription_mode': 1, 'exchange_type': 2, 'token': '41747', 'sequence_number': 2638722, 'exchange_timestamp': 1672891349000, 'last_traded_price': 21990, 'subscription_mode_val': 'LTP'}
on message -
same issue with me
- topic:timeago_earlier,3 months
@admin same issue. Do something to fix the issue. Dont just claim to recieve awards for API, in the web site.
- topic:timeago_earlier,5 months
@GannuRamya @admin I’m also facing same issue, receiving just one tick.
- topic:timeago_earlier,8 days
@GannuRamya Can you PM me please.
@admin - could you please look into this issue on priority
@Ashok could you please help in this
@Karthikeyan @rajanprabu could you please help in this