Getting Error on Trade Place, Failed to get symbol details
Client Code: N437691
Getting error on Trade Place
{"message":"Failed to get symbol details","errorcode":"AB1018","status":false,"data":null}Json Request
{"variety":"NORMAL","tradingsymbol":"GUJGASLTD-EQ","symboltoken":"10599","transactiontype":"SELL","exchange":"NSE","ordertype":"MARKET","producttype":"INTRADAY","duration":"DAY","price":0.0,"squareoff":0.0,"stoploss":0.0,"quantity":361.0} -
@PareshBhatiya Hi, we apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. Please note that the issue has been resolved now. You may get session expired error as we have invalidated all sessions. Please call loginbyPassword again to generate the session. In case of any further concerns, please let us know.