Number format query in instrument master
{ "token": "38479", "symbol": "ASIANPAINT25FEB213060CE", "name": "ASIANPAINT", "expiry": "25FEB2021", "strike": "306000.000000", "lotsize": "300", "instrumenttype": "OPTSTK", "exch_seg": "NFO", "tick_size": "5.000000" }
I am referring to the instrument master, it seems the format for a number is [number * 100].
For example: Please see a sample from the file.
- The strike for asian paint is 3060 [but in the file it is mentioned as 306000.0]
- Tick size should be 0.05 [but it is 5.0]
- Lot size seems to be correct.
Can someone confirm if my understanding is right? And also the reason for this multiplier of 100? Is there any other place where such standard is used in the APIs?
@admin It seems the divisor for currencies is 10 million. (10,000,000). Any idea, why is it so?
See example below:{ "token": "14182", "symbol": "USDINR21DEC75.25CE", "name": "USDINR", "expiry": "29DEC2021", "strike": "752500000.000000", "lotsize": "1", "instrumenttype": "OPTCUR", "exch_seg": "CDS", "tick_size": "25000.000000" }
@admin Thank you!
@StocksDeveloper said in Number format query in instrument master:
it seems the format for a number is [number * 100].
It's in paisa format.
Divide by 100 to get the strike and tick size in rupee format.