I am unable to login to smartapi from chrome browser
throbber is loading for a long time when I am trying to log in, the page is not loading. I am unable to log in from my chrome browser
https://smartapi.angelbroking.com/signin -
@admin @bhaveshjain I am facing the same issue after API Trial. my Angel Broking Account on Desktop is not working Freezing on Singin Button Loading Wheel and loading forever Chrome & Also tried in Opera...
@sairamv Hi, thank you for sharing your screen and demonstrating the error to us. We are working with our merchant partner to resolve the issue.
https://ipv4.icanhazip.com/ and https://api.ipify.org/
has an invalid certificate, while we are trying to log in, we are doing API calls to the above URLs to get the public IP of the user and something, so our browsers are restricting the call due to invalid cert. please fix the issue! [0_1607515884498_angel.png](Uploading 100%)