Access rate and other issues

  • Hi @admin and team,

    I got quiet a few errors today.

    1. I was getting rmsLimit() every 60 seconds.. But it was still complaining that I exceeded the access rate:
    b'Access denied because of exceeding access rate'
    ***** STORE NOTIF: Couldn't parse the JSON response received from the server: b'Access denied because of exceeding access rate'
    ***** STORE NOTIF: Could not get rmsLimit

    so Is the access rate given here is correct ?

    1. I was fetching trade book every 2 seconds I got the following error.
     Invalid return character or leading space in header: X-ClientPublicIP

    I beleive it all points to access rate. I hope that the expected access rate and system rates are matching with each other. Otherwise I cant see a reason why.


    1. when there is a connection drop due to a blip in network there must be a reconnect class in SDK which connects the socket again. while I see that this is implemented in your GO SDK but not in python SDK. This is very crucial feature.

    Example implementation for reconnection here

    I hope this gets implemented soon. People use API mainly to minimise the screen time and work. So reconnection is a basic requirement.

    Also please provide day open as well oi in the API. Some strategies need this two elements to decide the trade.

    Thanks for your time and effort.

  • HI @rajanprabu , please share your contact details on

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