How to get list of all equity token from master json
I'm trying to find if getting list of all token for equity stock (without fno, book entry and other indexes). Is there a pattern which I can use to filter in python?
eg: for reliance it is reliance-eq but for jothi resins symbol is just jothi so I want to get all these equity token
import pandas as pd
import requestsurl = ''
d = requests.get(url).json()
tokendf =pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d)temp1=tokendf[tokendf['exch_seg'].str.contains('NSE') == True]
token=temp1[temp1['symbol'].str.contains('-EQ') == True]print(token)
#to convert in CSV format
- topic:timeago_earlier,3 months
@Vignesha I find same issue. Would be nice if there is a easy, consistent way
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